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The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple, by David Stewart, PhD, DNM


This book explains the chemistry behind essential oils in simple, every-day English. It addresses the spiritual properties of oils to show how they can help bring healing to both body and soul.

Whether you have a background in chemistry or not, you will understand and enjoy this book. It will enlighten and entertain you while demonstrating—by the chemistry of essential oils—that God's power and divine nature can be seen through the things he has made (Romans 1:20). Based on both science and scripture, this book reveals the relationship between the material world and the spiritual world to explain how oils bring healing.

"This is a much needed book. A good scientific work. There is no other publication like it.—Terry Shepherd Friedmann, MD, ABHM
"An information-packed work by a truly gifted writer and teacher."—Edward R. Close, PhD
"He's done it again! A treasury of scientific detail in common language, this book fills an important need not met by any other publication."—Rev. Dennis Peterson
"Dr. Stewart has created another Masterpiece! Informative, practical, and down-to-earth."—Sabina DeVita, EdD, DNM >
"Fabulous! Brilliant! An invaluable resource!"—Susan Duerdan Neary, certified educator
"Dr. Stewart is on the cutting edge of a gentle revolution in American healthcare."—Robert W. Miner, MD
"A truly inspired work!"—Connie Adams, CMT

Publication: 2016.

Pages: 845.

Binding: Hardcover.

Size: 9¼" x 6½"


David Stewart, PhD, DNM, is an internationally renowned teacher on matters both spiritual and scientific. Dr. Stewart is a retired United Methodist pastor and a university science professor. Author of 16 books and 2-time winner of the American Journal of Nursing's "Book of the Year Award," Dr. Stewart lectures throughout the world on healing by prayer, anointing, and laying on hands. He teaches the chemistry of essential oils from a biblical perspective. This volume is the perfect companion for another of his best selling books, Healing Oils of the Bible.

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The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple, by David Stewart, PhD, DNM

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