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The Chemical Free Home For House Keeping, by Melissa Poepping


With painstaking research and sometimes hilarious trial-and-error testing, I ushered chemicals to the curb and developed natural, superior approaches to personal care, house keeping, and everything baby. With these books, you can accomplish in a day what took me years to perfect.


I bet we’re very similar, my friend. I had a home chock full of products promising eternal beauty, cherub-like children, and an always-sparkling abode that smelled like rosebuds! (Don’t you love advertising?!)

But then I started digging below the surface of these promises. And I didn’t like what I saw. Chemicals. A toxic soup of chemicals with proven correlations to autoimmune conditions, cancer, infertility, and general dis-ease of every biological system. And the real irony of this revelation? I, like you, was voluntarily bringing these products into my home. And paying good money for them, too. That didn’t sit well with me. So I made drastic changes. With painstaking research and sometimes hilarious trial-and-error testing, I ushered chemicals to the curb and developed natural, superior approaches to personal care, house keeping, and everything baby. With these books, you can accomplish in a day what took me years to perfect.

You, too, can create a chemical free home.

Publication: 2017.

Pages: 28.

Binding: Softcover, perfect bound.

Table of Contents
Let’s Get Started
Ooooo Girl!, Bling Cleaner
Bathroom Surface Cleaner
Sink & Tile Grub Scrub
Linen Spray
Carpet Deodorizer
Hardwood Floor Cleaner
Furniture Polish
Mattress Spray
Sweet Dreams Spritz
Laundry Detergent
Dishwasher Detergent
Sneaky Chemicals
More Swap Outs!
Aphid Spray
Great Outdoors Spray
Fruit & Veggie Soak
Fruit & Veggie Spray
Thieves Cleaner
Furry Friends
No Odor Litter Box
Tick & Flea Powder
Dog Ear Cleaner & Eat Odor Preventer
Known Poisons
When you know better, you do better.
Knowledge is power, my friend!
Essential Oils
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