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Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils, by Carolyn L. Mein, DC, 2023


Guidelines for using essential oils in emotional applications. Includes discussion of the vibrational frequencies of various parts of the body and how essential oils can affect them.


Updated 2023 edition!

Each organ in our bodies has a vibrational frequency, as do emotions, and emotions will settle in an organ with a corresponding frequency. By applying certain essential oils to the reflex points or acupuncture alarm points for particular organs, the corresponding emotions can be effectively cleared.

Publication: 2023, 17th Edition.

Pages: 156.

Binding: Softcover.

Size: 8½" x 11".


Carolyn L. Mein, DC, is a pioneer in health and nutrition. Her expertise is in synthesizing and developing the most effective means of healing to achieve and maintain optimal health. In 1983, after 9 years of research, Dr. Mein combined chiropractic and acupuncture to form Transpersonal Physiology. Recognizing the need to strengthen the pelvic floor and tone the appropriate abdominal muscles, she developed "Core Fitness," a Pilates-based program using the fitness ball.

Dr. Mein holds degrees in chiropractic, acupuncture, bio-nutrition, and is a Fellow of American Council of Applied Clinical Nutrition (FACACN). She is a charter member and diplomate of the International College of Applied Kinesiology. Dr. Mein maintains an active private practice in Rancho Sante Fe, California.

A nationally known lecturer, Dr. Mein is the author of Different Bodies, Different Diets. Based on over 20 years of nutritional research and practical experience, she identified 25 distinct body types and their specific diets. A person's body type is determined by one's dominant gland, organ, or system which also reveals disease tendencies and basic psychological traits. Her remarkable research has proven to be a dietary breakthrough. For the first time, there is a system that puts all diets into perspective and allows people to easily discover their ideal diet.

Table of Contents
Emotional Clearing
Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils
Clearing Emotional Patterns
Discovering Your Body Type
Core Emotional Issues
Harmonizing Emotions
Emotional Reference
Chakra Harmony
Clearing Emotional Patterns
Variation of Clearing Emotional Patterns
Clearing Procedure for Children
Oils Reference
Body Reference
Location of Body Alarm Points
Chart A: Face (front)
Chart B: Face (side)
Chart C: Front Torso 1
Chart D: Front Torso 2
Chart E: Front Torso 3
Chart F: Back Torso
Chart G: Foot Reflex Points
Chart H: Hands
Clearing Enhancements
Discovering Additional Emotional Patterns
Peaceful Warrior
Auricular Therapy
Writing Techniques
Supporting Yourself
Muscle Testing Procedure for Practitioners and Therapists
Enhancement Techniques
Muscle Testing