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Sharing Essential Oils

As anyone who has tried to build a business selling essential oils or other products knows, one of the most challenging aspects can be finding good ways to introduce others to the benefits of essential oils. To help make this a little less daunting, we asked for your ideas and tips on how to introduce others to essential oils. Below is what we have learned from you.

• Great advice for those just starting out:

  1. Always use essential oils yourself. As you use the oils, others will ask you about what you are using, what they are smelling, or why you seem healthy. This is a perfect opportunity to share something with them about essential oils. Using the oils will also give you lots of stories and experiences that you can share with others.
  2. Start talking with those you know. It is easier to start sharing what you are doing with friends, family members, and other people who know and care about you and what you are doing. Don't make them feel like they have to buy something from you—just share with them what you are learning, and the experiences you are having. Try inviting friends or family members who know about what you are doing to a "practice" class or house party so you can polish your presentation in front of a friendly audience. Ask for feedback, and be sure to let them experience the oils for themselves.
  3. Always be prepared to share when people show interest. You should always be ready to share basic information about essential oils with others—you never know when someone might ask you about them. Even better than just sharing basic information is to have a brochure, a printed success story, a sample vial of oil, or information about a particular oil or blend ready to share.
  4. If someone is interested, give them your contact information, and try to get theirs. Always include your contact information with any brochure, oil sample, printed success story, or other information you give away. Ask those you talk to if you can call or email them to see if they have any questions about the information you give them, or how they liked the sample of oil you gave them.
  5. Always invite people to experience the oils. If someone is interested, give them a sample of an essential oil to try, or invite them to a class, open house, meeting, or "aromatherapy party" where you will be letting people experience essential oils or essential oil products.
  6. Always follow up. Call or email people you have given samples to and find out if they have tried it, and how they liked it. Ask them if they would like to learn more, or if they had any questions. Call or email people who have attended a class, meeting, or party to see if they would be interested in attending more, if they had a favorite oil or product, or if they had something they were interested in trying or learning more about.
  7. Try to always appear professional and prepared. People are more likely to trust you and what you share if you present yourself and your material in a professional, polished way.
  8. If someone is interested, see if they know anyone else who might be interested as well. If someone is interested in attending a class, meeting, or party, ask them if they know anyone else who might like to come, and invite them to bring them along. If someone is interested in an essential oil, ask them if they know anyone who might benefit from or enjoy that oil as well.
  9. Focus on one or two oils, then expand from there. It is much easier to share information about one or two products that someone is interested in than to share information about an entire product line. It is also a lot less overwhelming for potential customers to learn about and purchase one or two products at a time than to feel like they must purchase everything at once. As people learn about and experience these products, they will usually want to learn about other oils and products they might benefit from as well.
  10. Have fun with what you are doing.

• Ideas for introducing others to essential oils:

  1. Wear essential oils as a perfume or cologne. When people ask about what you are wearing, talk with them about essential oils.
  2. Ask people if they have tried essential oils when they mention a health challenge they are facing. Many times during the course of a normal conversation, people will mention a particular health challenge they (or someone they know) are experiencing. This is a great opportunity to ask if they have tried using essential oils (or a particular essential oil or blend) for that health challenge. This leads the conversation to what essential oils are, and how they work.
  3. Use oils to help disinfect your work space, plane seat, home, or other area. When people ask about what you are doing, you can share something about essential oils.
  4. Hold aromatherapy house parties. Include fun activities that not only teach about essential oils, but allow guests to experience them for themselves. Some ideas include:
    1. Massage—Bring a massage therapist along to give free massages to the guests as you talk about the oils.
    2. Beauty Nights—Bring samples of essential oil creams and lotions for guests to try out. Give acupressure "face-lifts". Bring a paraffin dip with rose oil added for people to do their hands.
    3. Relaxation—Diffuse relaxing massage oils. Bring eye pillows or shoulder wraps for people to use while you play relaxing music. Give a hand massage or hand Vita Flex treatment to each guest. Share ideas on how they can relax at home.
  5. Give classes that teach about essential oils. Hold classes in your own home, or contact massage therapists, spas, ladies clubs, grocery stores, craft stores, etc. to see if they will let you hold an educational class in their facility (and invite their clients and customers to attend). Some class ideas include:
    1. Aromatherapy—Teach the basics of aromatherapy for health and pleasure.
    2. Natural Cooking with Essential Oils—Share recipes and ideas on how to cook with essential oils.
    3. Natural Cleaning without Chemicals—Share tips and ideas on how to clean and disinfect using essential oils and other natural methods.
    4. Scent-sational Crafts and Gifts—Teach how to make potpourri sachets, relaxation pillows, air fresheners, scented soaps, or other crafts that feature natural essential oils.
    5. Oils of the Bible—Teach about essential oil references that are found in the Bible.
  6. Give aromatherapy gifts. Try creating one of our gift ideas, create your own essential oil craft to give, or simply give a sample of your favorite essential oil or blend.
  7. Participate in trade shows or wellness expos. Come prepared to give away lots of samples (attached to a business card or information card containing your contact information), brochures, newspapers, information packets, and other materials along with your contact information. If you are manning a booth, try using a fun game or activity to help draw people's attention.
  8. Use oils as part of your business. If you are in business for yourself as a massage therapist, chiropractor, physical therapist, reflexologist, etc., allow your clients to try the oils as part of the session.
  9. Hold regular meetings with your clients or down-line. Share information, business ideas, or experiences. Allow others to share their experiences and ideas as well. Invite new contacts to these meetings.
  10. Offer to loan someone a diffuser or oil pendant. Offer a friend, relative, acquaintance, or prospect the use of a diffuser (with oil) or an oil pendant with a few drops of oil on it for a few days. Leave them information, CD's, or videos as well so they can learn more. Make an appointment for a few days later to pick up what you loaned them, and to discuss how they felt, or to answer any questions they have.

• Creative ways people have shared essential oils with others:

  1. Several people mentioned that they carry samples of essential oils and products, books, and brochures with them wherever they go. When they meet people, they let them pick out a gift of their choosing from their supply, then give them a business card and invite them to come to a class or party, or to call if they have questions or just want to talk again.
  2. One person adds lemon oil to their water bottle. Before they drink, they shake the bottle to disperse the oil. Many times people will ask what has been added to the water, giving an opportunity to share.
  3. One person gave small essential oil ornaments to their acquaintances for the holidays. The ornaments were small drawstring bags filled with potpourri and a cotton ball with the Christmas Spirit oil blend on it. They also included a sample vial of extra oil blend to "recharge" the cotton ball as needed.
  4. One person attending an outdoor wedding plagued by mosquitoes pulled out some lavender oil and started using it. It seemed to keep the mosquitoes away, and pretty soon, everyone around was using the lavender oil as well.
  5. One person created small relaxation pillows using essential oils to be used on sore muscles and joints and gave them away as gifts.
  6. When a new vet performing a house call to check up on two cats arrived, the owner was diffusing the Purification oil blend, and had put Peace & Calming oil blend on the cats. The vet was hooked, and was grateful to receive several samples and information on essential oils and animals at the end of the visit.